Doug Kellett @idougradio

Doug Kellett @idougradio

Doug Kellett

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I have more than 30 years of news/talk/sports hosting experience including management of stations in Nashville, Denver and Columbus(GA). I often can be heard in some of the largest markets in the US and great stations like KOA/Denver, 630 KHOW/Denver, 600 KCOL/Ft. Colllins, CO, WOAI/San Antonio, KTRH and KPRC/Houston, WLS/Chicago, KKDA/Pittsburgh, WLAC/Nashville, WBT/Charlotte, Fox News/Ft. Myers-Naples, FL, 106.3 WORD-FM/Greenville-Spartanburg, SC and many other stations.

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Links to stories to be discussed on KTRH at 10:05AMET

Busy schedule this week. I'm filling in for Joe Pags today on both KTRH/Houston(10am-12noonET) and WOAI/San Antonio(6-9pm ET).
You can listen live today at and

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday:
7am-11am ET KNRS/Salt Lake City.
6pm-9pm ET WOAI/San Antonio

Friday: KTRH/Houston (10am-12noonET)
6-9pmET WOAI/San Antonio

My article posted this morning at:

House republicans are fighting back on gas prices...

Chicago is #1, even over San Francisco, as the top nanny state location in U.S. Not surprising that Barack Obama calls the area his home.

Some are taking the opportunity to criticize Walmart again. This time because the company dared to let the employees know where it stands on the upcoming election. Why shouldn't a company explain to the employees how pending legislation could adversely affect the business? And especially that certain candidates support that legislation. For those of you that are upset about this, teachers unions and local governments do this all the time. They threaten employees that their jobs will be cut if some tax increase isn't supported. In many localities, the local government and school system are the largest employers and largest block of voters.