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Doug Kellett

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- I have more than 30 years of news/talk/sports hosting experience including management of stations in Nashville, Denver and Columbus(GA). I often can be heard in some of the largest markets in the US and great stations like KOA/Denver, 630 KHOW/Denver, 600 KCOL/Ft. Colllins, CO, WOAI/San Antonio, KTRH and KPRC/Houston, WLS/Chicago, KKDA/Pittsburgh, WLAC/Nashville, WBT/Charlotte, Fox News/Ft. Myers-Naples, FL, 106.3 WORD-FM/Greenville-Spartanburg, SC and many other stations.
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February 28, 2009
I'm on live this morning on WLAC/Nashville at 9:05am ET. Lee Boyland will join me to discuss President B.O's pulling out of Iraq and what effect that will have on the middle east. Hamas is getting money from the administration and Iran says it will continue the nuclear weapons program. Will sending a white flag to the terrorists really help solve the problem? Later, we'll have a guest who says that terrorists training camps are not just in Afghanistan but here in the US. Amazing stuff. You can listen live at