I'll be hosting 5:30am-9am ET live on 1240/1270 WINK/Ft. Myers, Florida all this week beginning Monday morning. I'll also be hosting the first 2 hours of the Steve Gill Show based out of Nashville but syndicated nationwide from 9a-11a ET.
You can watch and listen here to both shows live by clicking on the BlogTV box to the right at showtime. Meanwhile, you can also listen live at:
6:05am ET Matt Burke...lawyer and researcher for my show...will be discussing the Sotomayor nomination. You can read here at the blog his article "Election's have Consequences."
7:05am ET. Lee Boyland. www.LeeBoylandBooks.com will be discussing the latest in the North Korea and Iranian situations. There is also a Worldnetdaily.com story today that President Obama may have promised Jerusalem to the Arabs as their capital. That will go over well with Prime Minister B. Netanyahu.
8:05am Et. Bill Glynn., www.Billyg.net will join as GM officially files for bankruptcy at 8am ET. Bill will discuss the historic fact that the taxpayers will own 72% of GM and a company to be run by the unions.
We'll be discussing other stories including the $24,000 date the taxpayers picked up for the President and the First Lady this past weekend....The last survivor of the Titanic has died..97 years after the ship sank in 1912...
I'll also post here but will discuss the breaking news of the morning....see you at 5:30am!