I'm hosting 12mid-3am in the ET..10p-1a MT tonight(friday night/saturday am). You can listen live at
or you can watch/listen live by clicking on the Blog TV box at the right of the screen near showtime.
Joining me tonight are:
Former Colorado Congressman Bob Beauprez. The Congressman's latest blog writing is in connection with the Obama administration's decision to ignore the Defense of Marriage Act.
He'll be joining me sometime after 10pMT/12mid ET.
Later, Libya, Egypt and the Middle East...I.Q. al Rassooli will join us. He is author of "Lifting the Veil: The True Faces of Muhammad and Islam." http://www.alrassooli.com/
Doug Kellett @idougradio
Doug Kellett
- Doug Kellett's Daily Blog
- I have more than 30 years of news/talk/sports hosting experience including management of stations in Nashville, Denver and Columbus(GA). I often can be heard in some of the largest markets in the US and great stations like KOA/Denver, 630 KHOW/Denver, 600 KCOL/Ft. Colllins, CO, WOAI/San Antonio, KTRH and KPRC/Houston, WLS/Chicago, KKDA/Pittsburgh, WLAC/Nashville, WBT/Charlotte, Fox News/Ft. Myers-Naples, FL, 106.3 WORD-FM/Greenville-Spartanburg, SC and many other stations.