Here is what you need to know before our show tonight live on NewsRadio 1200 WOAI/San Antonio:
- The NFL officiating debacle last night even caused the President to issue a statement. Would be nice if he would stick to the job of being President, but the ruling that gave Seattle the win last night is the talk of the nation. We'll talk with sports expert Erik Stone at 6:15p ET about what happened. @erikmstone
- The Director of the film "Dreams from My Real Father" the True Story of Barack Obama" will be on with us at 6:35p ET. President Obama took creative liscense with his biography as well as that of his father.
- President Obama says in his speech to the United Nations today that the future world will have no place for the critics of Islam. What does that mean from the President of a nation where over 80% say they are Christian? Dr. Carol Swain, professor of political science at Vanderbilt University and frequent contributor to Fox News will be on with us at 7:35p ET to discuss this.
- Some reading material. Check out Jim Kouri's column(see link under Columns by Jim Kouri) regarding the polling in the Presidential race. He says do not trust it.
- See the story link where Hillary Clinton pushes for global tax on "elites."
- Kyle Olsen of has an article where students are upset at Michelle Obama's new school lunch menu. Glad to see the young people are getting a dose of what liberalism and controlling our lives looks like.
- Iranian President says capitalism causes homosexuality. He said that on CNN.
- See the story link on Fox News where Californians flee for better run states. Again, that is what happens when liberals are in charge!
- Dick Morris at says Romney is actually ahead in the polls. Interesting column today from DM.