Show Outline for The Morning Drive for Tuesday October
23, 2012:
6:12a-6:52am October 23-
Doug Kellett talks with Foreign policy expert Lee Boyland about Foreign
policy debate.
7:05a-7:22am October 23-
Doug Kellett talks with author Kate Obenshein. Author of
Divider-in-Chief for debate thoughts.
7:30a-7:52am October 23-
Doug Kellett talks with Human Events columnist Neil McCabe.
8:05-8:22am October
23- Doug Kellett talks with former
Congressman John LeBoutillier.
8:32a-8:52am October
23- Doug Kellett talks with former White
House FBI Agent and Founder of the Patrick
Henry Center
for Individual Liberty.
9:05-9:30am October 23- Doug Kellett talks with former U.S. Naval Intelligence Officer Frank Wucco about the debate.
9:05-9:30am October 23- Doug Kellett talks with former U.S. Naval Intelligence Officer Frank Wucco about the debate.