Show Outline for The Morning Drive for Friday November
10, 2012:
6:12a-6:32a Talk Show Host Steve Gill
7:05a-7:22a National housing and real estate expert Stuart Vener
on what impact the election results have on the housing recovery
7:32a-7:52a Jim Reese, CEO of TigerSwan. He is a former North Carolina Delta Force
solidier. He assisted Robert Stokely of Georgia in visiting the very spot where his son,
US Army Sgt. Mike Stokely was killed by a roadside IED in Iraq . HLN captured his stroy with an hour-long
documentary "108 hours" which will premiere on Sunday November 11 at
8pm ET.
8:05a-8:22a Venture capitalist and author Bill Glynn on what to
To order a copy of his newest read with Brig Hart.
To order a copy of his newest read with Brig Hart.
9:32-9:42a Jerry McGolthlin, movie producer of "A Long Way
off." A modern day inspiring story of the classic parable of the The
Prodigal Son.