Doug Kellett @idougradio

Doug Kellett @idougradio

Doug Kellett

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I have more than 30 years of news/talk/sports hosting experience including management of stations in Nashville, Denver and Columbus(GA). I often can be heard in some of the largest markets in the US and great stations like KOA/Denver, 630 KHOW/Denver, 600 KCOL/Ft. Colllins, CO, WOAI/San Antonio, KTRH and KPRC/Houston, WLS/Chicago, KKDA/Pittsburgh, WLAC/Nashville, WBT/Charlotte, Fox News/Ft. Myers-Naples, FL, 106.3 WORD-FM/Greenville-Spartanburg, SC and many other stations.
Show Outline for the morning drive for April 17, 2015: 
6:35a- Dave Richmond interview (recorded) 
7:05a- Doug Kellett talks with Mike Opelka of the about the top stories of the morning.  Gyrocopter pilot; Hillary flies in coach, etc. 
7:35a- Dave Richmond interview (recorded) 
8:05a- Doug Kellett talks with former NY Congressman John LeBoutillier and co-host of the FNC's political insider's program about the top stories of the week. 
9:05a- Doug Kellett talks with Congressional Candidate Frank LaRoche about his candidacy. 
9:35a- Doug Kellett talks with  Salvatore Buscemi, financial expert and author of "Making the Yield: Real Estate Hard Money leading Uncovered."  Managing Director of Dandrew Partners in NYC.
Will there be another stock market crash?